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Home / Crescent Simples / Tonic Syrup

Tonic Syrup

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8 oz Simple Syrup



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This natural process tonic syrup is made from fresh lemons, limes, grapefruits, cinchona bark, juniper, lemongrass, gentian root, cardamom, raw cane sugar, and water. We call it natural process because real whole ingredients are used and minimal filtering is done, so the natural color of the barks remains, giving this syrup a beautiful golden hue. It is bright and citrusy with just enough bite. Use .5-1 oz with soda water to create your own tonic at home, with just the right amount of flavor and sweetness for you! Then add 2 oz of gin, vodka, rum, whatever you like to drink with your tonic (or just enjoy a tonic on its own!).