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Home / Crescent Simples / Peach Hibiscus

Peach Hibiscus

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8 oz Simple Syrup



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Our Peach Hibiscus syrup is made from Virginia grown Chiles Orchard peaches and dried hibiscus flowers. It is bottled at the height of peach season every year, and once we run out of it, it's gone until the next year! It tastes like a sweet, juicy peach that drips down your chin when you bite into it, and the hibiscus adds just enough tartness to balance it out. It makes an absolutely delicious sweet iced tea, meant to be enjoyed in a rocking chair on a wide front porch. The ideal liquors to pair it with are vodka, rum, tequila, and whiskey. Try it in a whiskey sour, mint julep, or daiquiri to start.